Digital Conversations @ British Library: Digital Music Analysis
Prof. David Rowland (The Open University) and Simon Brown (Royal College of Music) have been invited to speak at the next Digital Conversations event at the British Library. The event provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of current ideas and existing projects in the field of digital music research. It will give participants the opportunity to share their ideas, experiences and opinions about the application of digital technology in musicological and performance research.
Thursday, 21 May 2015 from 18:00 to 20:15 (BST)
The British Library
96 Euston Road
NW1 2DB London
United Kingdom
Here is the proposed programme for the evening:
Steve Cottrell (City University London)
18.00 Wine and nibbles
18.15 Introduction Aquiles Alencar-Brayner/ Steve Cottrell
18.20 Erinma Ochu (Hooked on Music)
18.35 Tillman Weyde (Digital Music Labs)
18.50 Simon Brown / David Rowland (Listening Experience Database)
19.05 Sandra Tuppen (Big Data History of Music)
19.20 Mark Plumbley (Source Separation and Automatic Music Transcription)
19.35 Pause for thought and refill glasses
19.45 Discussion with audience
20.10 Closing remarks
20.15 Departure
The event is free but tickets are required. Bookings can be done through Eventbrite: